Bring a life-changing cause into the workplace.
The Safe Harbor Foundation is proud to offer a partnership program that builds upon the interests of a purpose-driven workforce. We provide companies with the right tools to strengthen office teams, unite employees, and improve overall morale in the workplace.
This program is designed for companies that pride themselves in corporate culture and employee engagement. Recent studies show that effective ‘cause marketing’ and ‘charitable giving’ programs in the workplace can lead to greater success in recruiting millennials. In addition, these same programs result in higher retention of talented professionals.
Become a corporate partner today.
We want to help your company achieve success in its pursuit of meaningful charitable causes. Through a non-profit partnership with the Safe Harbor Foundation, your company will experience greater team-building through service, opportunities to volunteer, and improved job satisfaction.
In addition, we will feature your company name and logo on our website, in our collateral materials, and across social media platforms and presentations. Your customers and clients will be thrilled to hear all about your new humanitarian programs!
Interested? Get in TouchAllow us to customize a unique partnership for your business based on the following options:
Payroll Deduction
Invite employees to contribute to a company-endorsed cause. Employees can donate $5 or more from each paycheck to support an international or domestic program. In addition, through corporate matching, executive teams can double those funds and make each donation that much more impactful.
Expeditions & Executive Field Visits
Visit one of our project sites and witness the impact of our work firsthand. Send the executive team abroad to learn more about our programs. Work with us to form an expedition that allows select employees to participate in the work while expanding their own global perspectives.